To compliment our Vertical and Horizontal Mills we also have the following secondary Equipment.
CSEPEL - 10’ radial arm drill with box table
STANKO - 5’ radial arm drill with box table
HYDMECH - horizontal band saw with roll conveyor
AMADA - hyorizontal band saw with roll conveyor
STARTRITE 316 H - tilting table vertical band saw 35” throat
KENDAL & GENT - planer mill, travels (x,y,z) 240", 108”, 72”, equipped with (3) 25 HP milling heads, (1) rail head, (1) side head and Accurite III digital readout
POTISJE - gap bed engine lathe 24” swing 120” centres, 1980
DENHAM - gap bed engine lathe, 48” swing, 60” swing (gap) 204” centres, 1962, rebuilt in 2007
TOS KURIM - universal milling machine, 18” x 60” table, 1980
CINCINNATI - universal mill, 9” x 20” table
STANDARD MODERN - universal mill, Knee Type 15” x 66” Table
STAVELEY - Drill Press
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