
Teollisuustie 2
Tervo, 72210

About ExcaDrill

Kone-Lappi Oy is a manufacturing and marketing company. The guiding principle of our product line and development is to serve earth construction industry by using the latest technology with innovative people. With our products construction companies can improve their profitability and competition advantage. We are not only manufacturing quality products but also we offer a more effective way to do things.

Competitors of ExcaDrill

Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA LLC is responsible for the sales, aftersales service and rental of equipment for surface and underground rock excavation, exploration drilling, rock reinforcement, ground engineering, water well, oil and gas drilling. The company is headquartered... Read More

Rackers Equipment offers new and used mining and aggregate processing equipment specifically Furukawa Rock Drills (FRD), Breaker Technology Inc (BTI), RTDrill by Reich Drill, Aggretek, Weir/Trio, & Anaconda, Read More

Hilti, Inc.

With the Hilti Tool Fleet Management Program your business will benefit from a new tool fleet, less downtime, more reliability, greater protection and an improved monthly cash flow, without a large up-front capital investment. Read More