Stonemont Solutions concreteQC is powerful software for concrete quality control and mix design management. Our desktop, server, and enterprise software solutions easily scale from the single plant operators to the largest producers in North America. Our server and enterprise edition can be centrally managed for real-time access and analysis of your critical products. Automated features include email alerts on quality failures and automatic data analysis and reports that can be generated and emailed daily, weekly, or monthly. Automated analysis and reporting saves time and money by allowing quality managers to focus on quality rather than spending hours to compile reports for sales and operations personnel.
All of our software products are tightly integrated and designed with a familiar interface which promotes ease of use. Component aggregate products are readily available from aggregate plants for use in mix designs. Component aggregate physical properties, such as gradations, FM, specific gravities, and other quality test results can be quickly and easily updated in mix designs. Our drag-and-drop interface and powerful visual and optimizing blending tools simplifies mix design development. concreteQC includes several analysis and reporting tools to help you improve your product consistency for customers.
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