Apex Scale Watcher 2: JWS a Division of Command Alkon now offers an integrated solution for providing photo verification of the weighing process. When Apex sends a print signal to the printer, it activates the camera to take a digital still photo of the vehicle on the scale. This ticket information is then...
Learn more about Apex Scale Watcher 2
Whether you're moving material across the street, across town or across the country, Kemper Equipment has conveyor system solutions to transport your materials where they need to be safely and easily. We have conveyor systems for moving product from pit to road, rails or water including barge...
Aggregate ticketing and dispatch system w/scale interface. Complete A/R, lien, sales management, inventory, GPS, and executive reporting system. Ready mix dispatch and batch panels.
AWS specializes in delivering high-end automation to material handling businesses with their scale ticket collection needs and system integration. Whether you need a single license of software to be operated by your scale attendant or an automated ticketing kiosk system, AWS can provide a...
AMR is an electronic controls and monitoring, SCADA automation, wireless communications, and asset tracking solutions provider for safety and improved productivity in mining, tunneling and aggregate operations around the world.
Asphalt plant automation: batch and drum plant controls; silo load out for aggregate and asphalt; aggregate ticketing; aggregate central and local dispatch software; enterprise management for multiple sites; quotes, sales management; ready mix concrete dispatching and controls